Reykjanes jarðvangur leiðir nýtt Erasmus+ verkefni um nærandi ferðaþjónustu með áherslu á virkri þátttöku ungs fólks í jarðvagnum

(English below)
Reykjanes UNESCO Global Geopark er leiðir nýtt evrópsk samstarfsverkefni sem miðar að því að efla nærandi og sjálfbæra ferðaþjónustu með virkri þátttöku ungs fólks. Verkefnið sem er til tveggja ára nefnist „YouthTrails“ og er styrkt af Erasmus+ menntaáætlun Evrópusambandsins. Markmið þess er að búa til vettvang þar sem ungt fólk, starfsfólk sem tengist æskulýðsmálum og ferðaþjónustuaðilar geta unnið saman að nýstárlegum lausnum í vistvænni, sjálfbærri og nærandi ferðaþjónustu.

Á upphafsfundi verkefnisins, sem haldinn var á Íslandi 16. – 17. desember 2024, var rætt um þróun gæðastimpils fyrir vistvæna ferðaþjónustu með áherslu á ungt fólk. Einnig var lögð áhersla á þátttöku samfélaga og nærandi ferðaþjónustu sem stuðlar að náttúruvernd og samfélagslegri ábyrgð.

Verkefnið mun nýtast í starfsemi jarðvangsins á fjölbreyttan hátt, sérstaklega með því að virkja ungt fólk í verkefnum í náttúruvernd, menningarviðburðum og vistvænni ferðaþjónustu sem tengist svæðinu. Þá getur verkefnið styrkt tengsl jarðvangsins við svæðisbundna ferðaþjónustu, skóla og æskulýsðsstarfsemi, sem stuðlar að aukinni vitund og þátttöku ungs fólks á svæðinu, ásamt því að búat til vettvang fyrir ungt fólk til að taka virkan þátt í sjálfbærrai þróunar og vistfræði.

Reykjanes jarðvangur er stoltur af því að leiða þetta spennandi verkefni sem vinnur að sjálfbærni og nýsköpun með ungu fólki í forgrunni. Við hlökkum til að segja ykkur frá framgangi verkefnisins og innleiðingu þess á Reykjanesi á næstu misserum.

Reykjanes Geopark Hosts the YouthTrails Kick-Off Meeting in Iceland

Reykjanes UNESCO Global Geopark hosted the first Transnational Project Meeting of the YouthTrails project on 16–17 December 2024. This Erasmus+ initiative, running from November 2024 to January 2027, aims to promote sustainable ecotourism through youth engagement and capacity building for youth workers. The meeting marked the official launch of the project and brought together partners from Iceland, Slovenia, Greece, Portugal, and Italy to align on the project’s objectives and next steps.

The meeting began with a discussion on the importance of ecotourism and youth involvement in driving sustainability in tourism. Participants shared insights into their local contexts, highlighting diverse ecotourism practices and challenges, as well as to the concept of ecotourism and its principles, stressing the importance of authenticity and meaningful engagement with local communities.

A key focus of the meeting was Work Package 2 (WP2), which aims to develop a youth-friendly ecotourism label. Partners agreed on survey methodologies to gather insights from youth and stakeholders, with field research set to be completed by April 2025. This label will serve as a guiding framework to ensure ecotourism activities are inclusive, sustainable, and beneficial to local communities.

The agenda also included a visit to the Icelandic Tourism Cluster, where participants learned about Nordic regenerative tourism practices, including citizen science initiatives and strategies for sustainability in tourism. During the meeting, participants also attended a workshop on youth-centered ecotourism activities, such as mapping youth-friendly sites, organizing conservation initiatives, and creating digital campaigns to engage young audiences.

The meeting concluded with clear outcomes and actionable next steps. The YouthTrails project website will launch in February 2025, providing updates and resources. A capacity-building workshop is scheduled for October 2025 in Greece, focusing on refining ecotourism strategies and assessing progress.

YouthTrails Project

The YouthTrails project is an Erasmus+ initiative aimed at promoting sustainable tourism through the active engagement of young people and capacity building for youth workers. By developing a youth-friendly ecotourism label and fostering connections between local communities, youth, and tourism providers, the project seeks to enhance awareness of environmental conservation, cultural preservation, and social responsibility. Through international collaboration, YouthTrails creates opportunities for innovation in education and sustainable development, benefiting both the local region and the broader network of European geoparks.

The project brings together a diverse group of partners committed to fostering sustainable tourism and youth engagement. Led by Reykjanes UNESCO Global Geopark in Iceland, the partnership includes Polygonal in Italy, Hopeland in Greece, Pina in Slovenia, and Mentortec in Portugal. Each partner brings unique expertise to the project, ranging from education and youth work to regenerative tourism and digital innovation.

Reykjanes Geopark is happy to lead this important initiative, promoting sustainability and youth engagement in tourism while fostering collaboration across Europe. Stay tuned for more updates as the YouthTrails project continues its journey.