Reykjanes geopark

UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, recognised Reykjanes as a UNESCO Global Geopark in 2015. UNESCO Global Geoparks are areas where sites and landscapes that are of international geological significance are managed with a holistic concept of protection, education and sustainable development.

55 geosites

The Reykjanes Peninsula is a young section of Iceland. It is a land-born, highly volcanic counterpart of the Mid-Atlantic Spreading Ridge where two tectonic plates part at an average rate of 2.0-2.5 cm/yr.
Simple Map
difficulty Easy


A monogenetic volcanic fissure (2 km) with scoria and spatter craters, rugged lava formations (20 sq. km), lava tubes and remains of human activities. The eruption was an integral part of Reykjanes Fires, a volcano-tectonic episode in 1210-1240.

difficulty Easy


Arnarsetur einkennist af stuttri gossprungu sem samanstendur af gjall- og klepragígum. Sprungan myndaðist á seinni hluta rek- og goshrinunnar Reykjaneselda á árabilinu 1210 til 1240 og er um tveggja kílómetra löng. Hraunið frá henni þekur um 20 ferkílómetra svæði, er stórskorið og í því leynast hraunhellar og ýmis ummerki um mannvistir. Svæðið dregur nafn sitt af arnarpari sem verpti þar áður fyrr.

length more
difficulty Hard


A large cluster of late Ice Age hyaloclastite mountains, including a prominent lava shield (Kistufell), lined with Holocene but prehistoric volcanic fissures. A high-temperature area is located in the northern part, where sulphur was mined around 1880.

length more
difficulty Hard


Brennisteinsfjöll eru hryggur móbergsfjalla frá síðari hluta ísaldar. Efst er hraundyngjan Kistufell. Í fjöllunum eru nokkrar gossprungur með gígaröðum sem mynduðust einhverju fyrir landnám. Í norðanverðum Brennisteinsfjöllum er háhitasvæði og þar var numinn brennisteinn í kringum 1880 með litlum árangri. Brennisteinsnámurnar eru enn sýnilegar.

length 5 km
difficulty Average

Djúpavatn / Spákonuvatn / Grænavatn

Three lakes in the hylaoclastite Ice Age ridges Vesturháls and Sveifluháls, containing groundwater. Djúpavatn is partly a crater lake, close to Djúpavatnsleið road, Spákonuvatn crater lake to the Sog-geosite and Arnarvatn to a marked path across Sveifluháls.

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difficulty Average

Djúpavatn / Spákonuvatn / Grænavatn

Þrjú stöðvötn í móbergshryggjunum Vesturhálsi og Núpshlíðarhálsi, að mestu með grunnvatni. Djúpavatn er við samnefnda ökuleið, að hluta eldgígur. Spákonuvatn við Sogin er sprengigígur, Grænavatn rétt sunnan við Grænavatnseggjar

length 5 km
difficulty Average

Eldborg by Höskuldarvellir

The grassy field, Höskuldarvellir northwest of Grænadyngja and Trölladyngja is bordered in the northeast by a large, prehistoric monogenetic scoria and spatter cone. It has been utilized as a gravel mine, thus damaged. Steam vents line the surroundings.

length 5 km
difficulty Average

Eldborg by Höskuldarvellir

Norðvestur af Höskuldarvöllum, sléttu graslendi við rætur Grænudyngju og Trölladyngju, rís stór gjall- og klepragígur, eldri en landnám. Gígurinn er skemmdur eftir efnisnám. Jarðhitagufur stíga upp við gíginn.

length 2
difficulty Average

Eldborg við Geitahlíð

A prehistoric, volcanic fissure cuts into the slopes of Geitafell, a hylaoclastite table mountain. Out of five craters, made of scoria but chiefly of spatter, one is by far the highest, with a prominent lava channel branching off to the east.

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